Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Boys as an Endangeered Species

No, I'm not making any threats here. In a recent article, Francesca Lyman produced what is appearing to be a small crisis: the lack of baby boys being born. Whereas in the past males tended to be produced more, in some areas of the world, the ratio of males to females is so skewed, some people are wondering what is causing this change.

I discussed in an earlier post about the rise of conditions such as allergies, asthma and autism, and it is thought that environmental pollutants can be the cause of all of these afflictions, the endangered male included.

However, several people are attributing these problems to lifestyle changes, most notably the rise in the age of parents nowadays. True enough, education and career development has put baby-making on the back burner for many couples, causing them to start families at an older age, which can lead to higher birth complications, but it is only one in a line of possible causes that links all of these problems associated with children now.

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