Monday, October 22, 2007


As much as I commend the experts at Prevent Blindness America, I have to say: chill out. I understand that the world is a scary place now with uni bombers and razor blades in the apples and whatnot, but let kids be kids. I was a kid. Sometimes I got hurt. I'm not blind. Fancy that. Now I do understand that sometimes people need to step in for the well being of their children, say, when you catch them lighting fireworks too close to their face, but don't dictate what the poor kids should wear for Halloween.

I stated in my previous post that I'm terrified to have children. Let me clarify this: I'm terrified to have children considering what the environmental state of our world is now, but I like to think, though I will worry about my children, that my (probably) constant state of worry will not hinder them from being kids.

Walk with your kids on Halloween night, keep an eye out for perverts and leather face. But let them be kids. You only get one chance to do that, and you'll probably have to pay thousands of dollars worth of head shrinking because of your over protectiveness otherwise.

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