Thursday, October 11, 2007

Snack Happy!

My roommate (a nutrition major) has recently commented about my appropriate snack decisions. I never considered my regimen of goldfish and string cheese to be worthy of praise, but when she broke it down to me, I felt downright proud of myself. I always carry with me goldfish, string cheese, a peanut butter sandwich on wheat, and a pack of raisins with me when I know I'm going to be on-campus for a long day. I can't afford to actually eat at JMU, as the prices are absolutely ridiculous, so I just considered packing a natural way to save money. It turns out I'm due for more praise than I thought:

Snack Happy

I have noticed that when I snack, and healthfully so, I feel more alert during the day, and less inclined to binge later. My favorites include the ones I was fed as a child, like "ants on a log," which my mother referred celery with peanut butter and raisins as. Although childish in nature, I feel like the kid food that we consumed in our younger years was sightedly more nutritionally sound, and often, at least in my case, paired with a Flintstone vitamin for good measure.

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