Saturday, October 13, 2007


My grandmother suffers from dementia, so when I stumbled across this article, I thought it was a great resource for people looking to pump up their brains Schwarzenegger-style.

The article lists eleven different ways to jump-start your brain and improve your overall quality of life:

  1. Diet: The author stresses a Mediterranean-style diet, focusing on fish, whole grains, and color-rich vegetables. He adds that sugars and red meat should be avoided. I'll have to work on that one: I love rare steaks!

  2. Vitamins: Most people don't consume the appropriate amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, so it is suggested that supplements are taken. Nothing beats getting these from the original source, but a supplement is better than nothing. The author stresses Folate, B, C, and E vitamins, as well as Omega-3 fats.

  3. Drink!: But don't guzzle. Red wine is invaluable to the body for antioxidants, and darker reds, like pinot noir is preferable. Just don't over-consume: 1 glass of wine for women is enough each day.

  4. Aspirin: A daily aspirin regimen is really not necessary until a certain age, so I won't go into this one too much.

  5. Meditation: Whether it's a walk in the park or simply taking 15 minutes to yourself at lunch, meditation is key to relieving stress and taking pressure of the brain and heart.

  6. Laugh: Like meditation, laughing relieves stress from the heart and releases endorphins to the brain, making you an all-around more pleasant person.

  7. Be Social: Having friends or joining social organizations decreases your chances of depression, and does the same for your heart and brain as laughing and meditating.

  8. Sleep on it: Though doc's aren't sure why sleep is so necessary for the body, they know that humans can't survive more than a couple of weeks without it. Here's a few tips of getting that much needed rest when it seems so hard to attain:

    Don't eat a heavy meal late in the day.
    Avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the day.
    Get regular exercise, but not close to bedtime.
    If you can't fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night, get up and read or watch TV until you feel drowsy.
    If you lie awake worrying about things, make a to-do list before going to bed.

  9. Puzzle yourself: Try crossword puzzles or other brain-teasers to keep your attention levels at a maximum. Plus, these fun quizzes allow you to constantly test yourself and make you think even when you're having fun.

  10. Exercise: You know all about this one.

  11. Learn "neurobics:" Neurological Aerobics allows you to appreciate your other senses in ways that you might not have thought to. Learn Braille, wear earplugs at the dinner table, shower with your eyes closed. It might seem odd, but things like this keep the brain on its toes, and ultimately allow you to live longer with everything still on upstairs!

1 comment:

Toni Mehling said...

I like these tips and they display some common sense. One comment on what seems like a discrepancy.
If women (that includes me) should have a glass of wine a day, but should not drink too close to bedtime, when should I drink the wine? By the time I get home from work and have dinner, it is close to bedtime. Does that mean I can have my glass of wine with lunch? That would make for a fun-filled afternoon at work!

Thanks for the tips. Just couldn't resist the follow-up.